Miller Appraisals is a 23 year old company providing real estate appraisals and real estate consulting in Connecticut for commercial and residental properties.

Ruth 14.10.2020 00:13

do you appraise vacant lots in Hartford?

Raymond R Miller 14.10.2020 14:36

I appraise only commercial and industrial vacant lots in Hartford, Thanks, Ray Miller

Laura 01.04.2015 22:49

Hi, Do you appraise garage contents and other similar items?

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14.10 | 14:36

I appraise only commercial and industrial vacant lots in Hartford, Thanks, Ray Miller

14.10 | 00:13

do you appraise vacant lots in Hartford?

01.04 | 22:49

Hi, Do you appraise garage contents and other similar items?

14.10 | 14:36

I appraise only commercial and industrial vacant lots in Hartford, Thanks, Ray Miller

14.10 | 00:13

do you appraise vacant lots in Hartford?

01.04 | 22:49

Hi, Do you appraise garage contents and other similar items?